2009년 5월 27일 수요일

Koreans are stupid, dumb, assholes, ummm wat else?

It was totally shit....
My first driving lesson was theory and I was so disappointed that I have to pay so much to listen to shit.. That's wat happened to me in Shatec.. And here we go, my driving centre's lecturer was just wasting my time...
It was 3 hours lesson with 3 breaks of 10 min... Wat lecturer did was just passed the safety book and read for us... Shit, that's wat I can do by myself! And he was shooting me with those stupid questions that answers are so obvious... I was bored to death and couldn't stop yawning...
Every single students in same class as me felt the same... 3 aunties from my class even went to the office to compalin abt it... Auntie, just leave him alone or else we have to listen to that lecture again T.T

Anyway, tdy was nothing much.. No big happening neither funny shits...
I realised that travelling alone without friends is NOT FUN AT ALL. It feels lonely and shit.
I came back to Korea finally after spending my time in Singapore for 8 years... Well, lots of things have been changing... Although people's manner is still the same... They are rude, idiotic, selfish and they think that they are the best country people over the world... Let me tell ya, in a good way, Koreans are just dreaming big... We don't even have the sentence, 'You're welcome.'

Of course, Koreans are jealous over other people's good wealth and health which I find it quite stupid. If you want it, you do it, dumbo. You don't have to talk abt other ppl. More you talk abt them, morea u will not get those things. Let action do, not talking.

In the driving centre, I saw this one super mega extremely pretty girl... WOW...
Although I could see that she did surgery with plastic :P

Anyway I start to hate my own country people... I was thinking why I should be Korean? They are so dumb enough to be divided into two countries, walk so fast, try to act like as if they can speak English which they can't, try to look good with those plastics on their face, boobs and hips, ALWAYS ask for discount, look down on each other, complain.. blah blah blah... Shit too many reasons..

Koreans... Get a life!!! Living with full purpose and don't always be hungry for money and reputation!

It's sad that I'm one of those idiots since I'm Korean, but I'm glad that I live my life with full purpose and I have a dream, assholes. This is my first time being proud of myself..

Good job, M... PEACE!

Just woken up... YAWN

But I still look not bad :p

Wah.. there are so many difference in this photo and above photo...

I tell you, this is natural... Taken by my phone...

And.. my hair should look brown.. not black... T.T

댓글 13개:

  1. I am shocked, judging by the way Koreans drive that they even have a driving school. Come visit youseok Korean crime blog at http://www.youseok.proboards.com Love Singapore awesome country.

  2. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  3. VERY WELL SAID! As an independent human being, you have the right to voice out your feelings about your own culture. Koreans can't hardly admit the superiority of other cultures. They think they have the best culture in the world. But the truth is, little is known about Korea and some foreign cultures just completely ignore them. Korea is just a copycat country. Their technology, cars, and other stuffs that they are uber proud of are just copied from other countries like Japan and the US, and they don't admit they just copied. They keep saying theirs is unique. Most Koreans are also arrogant people just because the country is rich, but actually you cannot find even a dash of classiness in their attitudes and mannerisms. I have seen many beautiful Korean women draped in designer labels, but when they opened their mouths to talk, they sound like cheap, uneducated public market vendors. Most of them also think their are intelligent people. Whenever I try to argue with them with academic things, they just speak what they have read from somewhere. Most of the time, it is pointless to argue with them because they lack depth of analysis and always become personal when you prove them wrong. Most of the people I met are shallow-minded but act, as if, they are intellectuals. They keep saying I am one-sided, but they hardly recognize that they are the ones who's one-sided. Generally, I find Korean society pretentious. After all of those bitter words, I treasure my Korean friends for the good company we've shared, both good and bad. I know they are trying their best to be the good people they can be. There are still bountiful of kind and open-minded Koreans out there. I hope time will come when we do not have to hurt each other's feelings. I also do hope they will open their minds widely to embrace the reality of differences among people from the same and different cultural backgrounds. But given the current situation in Korea, you're better-off living in Singapore (^.^)

    1. Don't say that! How dare you're just judging people of Korea? Do you think we are seriously all like that? We are hurried by nature. We are a small country that had many invasions in the past and had to get lots and lots of help to win all our wars! And if you don't have the power, you gotta win by brains, which is why we are so obsessed with academics! And who are you to have the right of saying that, anyway?

    2. go learn history, doc.

  4. everything snl and passing by said is true. i'm korean and here right now. as a female too, it's shit; very sexist and agist. for women who are single and thirty or older, you will be leered at by dirty old men who refuse to even consider women their own age. it's really nasty culture, though they are passive-aggressive and sneaky about it. it's very offensive for men who are twenty or more years older to consider you prime target because you aren't married so therefore must consider you their property or easy pickings. disgusting and almost scary. that being said, there are men like this everywhere but for some reason, there seem to be lots of disgustingly sexist older single and lonely men. they just need to jack off then since they don't deserve women when they look at them like rapists anyways.

    they also have no sense of 'right of way' for pedestrians. i was almost ran over at the crosswalk even though the crosswalk signal was green. they barely stopped and didn't even slow down until the very last minute driving as if they actually want to run you over. then the last car before the sidewalk wasn't even paying attention and sped up, ran the redlight and ran over my feet. very lonely and dangerous (because of deeply hidden sexism) place for single people, especially females who are alone.

  5. You should not be saying this! It's not Korea's fault they are separated into two! Who do you think actually did that? Learn history, people. And you who are all insulting Koreans are just wrong. Korea is a nice place and they all worked hard to boost up such a small and powerless country. How could they block out all the invasions? It's so easy to attack! And can't you see the good side of Korean people at all? Almost no people of Korea are as bad as you people are all saying above! Bad side of Koreans: Hurried and impatient, and many elders have no respect at all for children or animals. Good side: They work hard and are determined. You people are no better than the Koreans you are talking about and you are just judging, which is so totally unfair!

  6. http://www.lifeinkorea.com/boards/read.cfm?boardid=19&msgid=155

  7. I respect your personal opinions, but I do request you to refrain from public publishing of subjective opinions of a sensitive controvertial matter that could in turn, hurt many.

    한국인들이라고 설마 다~~~ 그럴까요?? ^^;;

  8. https://www.facebook.com/beautymew?fref=ts

  9. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  10. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  11. (ง ͠° ل͜ °)ง Kim Jong's a pretty rad guy.
